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Draft: Feat/cache old attributes

Rick Hambrook requested to merge feat/cache-old-attributes into master

Adding a trait that will allow easy access to non-encrypted from/to (before/after) values after model updates.

The trait: CacheOldAttributesTrait

Get changes: $changes = $model->getUpdatedAttributes();


array [
    "first_name": [
        "from": "Jane",
        "to": "John"
    "last_name": [
        "from": "Smithe",
        "to": "Smith"

All names are WIP and open to change.


Fuzzy Dirtiness

Currently the trait uses fuzzier checks than standard getDirty(). Eg 5 > 5.0 will not be considered dirty. Perhaps this can be configured on a per-attribute basis. This is based off the updated value being cast to the same type as the original value on the model. So false on the model will match 0 as an updated value.

Return Format

Usually the return format is an array keyed by the field name with the values being an array with from and to values. Passing true to the getUpdatedAttributes() function will return the sub-array as json encoded for better compatibility with Spatie Activity Log.

Merge request reports