Content List v1.4.3
- Added field and operator to the search. This allows the page to have select boxes to define the operator (equals, contains, begins with, ends with) and a singular field to search on.
- Confirm !147 (merged) MR is merged prior to this one.
- Confirm the admin area works with this version of content list
- Edit one of the admin content lists and add select boxes to define the operator and field. Something like:
<select class="js__search_operator" for="{{id}}" name="search_operator">
<option value="=" {{#if-equals search.operator "="}} selected="selected" {{/if-equals}}>Equal</option>
<option value="~" {{#if-equals search.operator "~"}} selected="selected" {{/if-equals}}>Contains</option>
<option value="^" {{#if-equals search.operator "^"}} selected="selected" {{/if-equals}}>Begins With</option>
<option value="$" {{#if-equals search.operator "$"}} selected="selected" {{/if-equals}}>Ends With</option>
<input class="content_list__search js__search" type="text" for="{{id}}" value="{{search.value}}" autocomplete="on" placeholder="{{search.placeholder}}">
<select class="js__search_field" for="{{id}}" name="search_field">
<option value="q" {{#if-equals search.field "q"}} selected="selected" {{/if-equals}}>All</option>
<option value="field_name" {{#if-equals search.field "field_name"}} selected="selected" {{/if-equals}}>Field Name</option>
- Confirm the admin area works with a range of operator and field searches
Edited by Phil Taylor