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Correction for DF_Model v2 new table generation

Sam Sehnert requested to merge features/migration_new_tables_model_v2 into master

Fixed brand new table creation via v2 Model migrations.

What I did

  • Models with a missing table will no longer cause the admin area to completely fail to load.
  • Models with missing tables will correctly show warning messages in the admin area.
  • Migrations with new models that don't have corresponding tables in the DB will be created correctly.
  • Generator table list will now include models which don't have corresponding tables in the DB yet.


May case issues with generating v1 model migrations.



How to test

Create a new model from scratch, then use generator to make a new migration, without first creating a table in the DB for that model. Migration generation should create a model for table creation if the table doesn't exist. If the table does exist, it should create a migration to alter the table into the new structure.


Merge request reports